ocr: Space Junkie V1.1 Registra lo: luan Huyt Bellaire Pla 16649 NE 3bth Ct, - Apt # Redmond, WVA 9E USF Thank you tor registering Space Junkie and supporting shareware. You contributic support Space Junkie and create more shareware. Personal checks or money, ord take some time to till In the form below and send it along with your payment at th Name Company/Schr Address E-mai Age: U-9 10-14 15-20 20-29 3U-39 4U+ Idon't know Macintosh ty System USI b.U 7.U Other Do you have a color mi Yes No What SIZ 12 inch 13 Inch Other Number ot copies ot Space Junkie t x $15=$ - VVhere did you get Space Junk Com ...